Best Practices in Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

Discover the best practices of OOP in PHP, including SOLID principles, DRY, and KISS, and how to apply them in projects.

Best Practices in Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of the most popular programming paradigms that has transformed the way software is developed. Imagine you are building a complex house. Would you start with the roof or perhaps the foundation? Generally, we start from the basics, and in object-oriented programming, these "foundations" are classes and objects. PHP, as a scripting language, has gained enormous popularity due to its simplicity and power, and adding object-oriented components to it was like adding spices to a favorite dish - suddenly, everything becomes tastier!

To begin with, let’s take a look at a few key terms that will guide us on this journey. What exactly are classes and objects? A class is like a recipe for a cake: it specifies what ingredients are needed and how it should be prepared. An object, on the other hand, is like a finished cake that you can decorate in a million ways. OOP allows programmers to break applications down into smaller, more manageable components, which can be considered a kind of modularity. There’s nothing more frustrating than searching for a needle in a haystack, right? With object-oriented programming, it’s like reducing the haystack into smaller pieces, making everything easier to find.

Object-oriented programming in PHP introduces several key concepts, such as:

These difficult words might sound like black magic, but in reality, they are powerful tools that help maintain code cleanliness and facilitate its growth. Metaphorically speaking, they can be compared to tools in a workshop – each has its application, and together they form a set that allows for comfortable and efficient application building.

Let’s start with encapsulation. What exactly is it in the context of PHP? It can be illustrated as a lock on a dollhouse. It contains all the elements inside, but does not allow direct access from the outside. This way, we can hide internal data and methods, which increases the security of our “house”. Also, if we ever need to change something inside, we don’t have to worry about someone from the outside messing up our plans.

Starting a new adventure with programming, understanding OOP in PHP opens the doors to more advanced techniques. Just like in a well-functioning musical band, where each instrument plays its role, in PHP classes and objects collaborate to create a harmonious whole. Each class contributes to the final effect, just like each musician playing in a piece. And who wouldn’t want to be part of a great band that collaboratively creates something amazing?

Therefore, at the first stage of our journey through best practices in object-oriented programming in PHP, we take the first step towards understanding the importance of OOP. It is not just a new way of thinking but also a powerful tool that makes our code more flexible, unique, and ready for future development. As many programmers would say, “code should be beautiful,” and OOP in PHP transforms our lines of code into true works of art.

In the previous part, we looked at the magic of object-oriented programming, and now we will dive into one of the fundamental pillars of OOP, which is nothing more than the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). Think of an ideal, well-designed program as a complicated machinery: each cog, each screw must be responsible for its specific task. We do not want one of those cogs to handle both the engine and the lock, right? The same goes for our code!

The Single Responsibility Principle states that each class in a program should have only one responsibility. What exactly does this mean? In short, this principle suggests that we should design our classes in such a way that they have one reason to change. This means that if the way a class is created changes, then only one class should be concerned with that change, and not several classes at once. Moreover, this principle allows us to avoid situations where one class becomes everything for everyone – something we usually call spaghetti code. And who likes to eat spaghetti in programming?

But back to our topic: how to practically apply SRP in PHP? First of all, let’s start with a class that deals with wish tasks. It seems like the perfect opportunity to expand on this example.


// Class for handling wish operations
class WishHandler {
    private $wishes = [];

    // Add a new wish
    public function addWish($wish) {
        $this->wishes[] = $wish;

    // Get all wishes
    public function getWishes() {
        return $this->wishes;

// Class for sending notifications
class NotificationSender {
    public function sendNotification($message) {
        // Here we would implement the logic to send notifications
        echo "Sending notification: " . $message;

In the above example, we have two classes: WishHandler and NotificationSender. Each of them serves its specific function – the first class adds and retrieves wishes, while the second is responsible for sending notifications. Notice how, by applying the Single Responsibility Principle, we can very easily modify one class, for example, by adding a new method to WishHandler, without simultaneously affecting NotificationSender. Clean, understandable, and elegant!

One of the greatest gains from implementing the SRP is increased readability of the code. If you look at a class that deals with only one responsibility, you can quickly understand what it does and how it works. Over time, developers who are experienced in OOP will be able to intuitively understand your intentions without delving into details. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when your code works like a well-oiled machine? But that's not the end of the benefits.

Moving on to the open-closed principle, also known as the Open/Closed Principle (OCP), it's worth embarking on a thought journey. Imagine you are designing something unique – let's say, a treehouse. What are your main assumptions? You want it to be functional, aesthetic, but above all – that in the future, it will be easy to change or add elements. And that's the essence of OCP!

The open-closed principle states that classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification. This means that rather than changing existing code, it’s better to create a new class that inherits from the old one and adds new functionalities. This is because modifying code that already works is like adding new branches to your treehouse – you don’t want the entire structure to start wobbling due to changes!

So, how do you implement OCP in PHP? Imagine you have an order processing application. Initially, you have a class Order that handles all orders. After some time, you decide that you would like to add payment access via PayPal. Instead of changing the original Order class, it’s better to create a class PaypalOrder that inherits from Order. This way, your original Order class remains intact, and there’s no risk that the new functionality will harm the existing code.

// The base Order class
class Order {
    protected $total;
    public function __construct($total) {
        $this->total = $total;
    public function process() {
        // Processing payment logic here
        echo "Processing order of amount: " . $this->total;

// PaypalOrder class extending Order
class PaypalOrder extends Order {
    public function process() {
        // Here we can add new PayPal specific logic
        echo "Processing PayPal order of amount: " . $this->total;

// Usage
$order = new Order(100);
$order->process(); // Output: Processing order of amount: 100

$paypalOrder = new PaypalOrder(150);
$paypalOrder->process(); // Output: Processing PayPal order of amount: 150

With such a structure, you can be sure that your code will be resistant to future changes. When you want to add more payment methods, such as Stripe, you simply create a new class StripeOrder that inherits from Order. Think of it as adding new floors to your treehouse – each floor is a new class that does not affect the stability of the entire structure.

In the context of OCP, it's also important to utilize abstraction and interfaces. You can define an interface PaymentProcessor, and then implement various payment classes. This approach makes your code even more flexible.

Remember, implementing the open-closed principle is not just a trend in programming – it’s also a great way to adapt to future changes and scale your project without worrying about introducing bugs. So, the next time you think about modifying your code, consider whether it might be better to create a new class and keep the existing elements in their pristine form. Just like with your treehouse – expand, but don’t demolish the beautifications that are already there.

Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) in PHP

Hello programmers! Today, we will dive deeper into the principles of object-oriented programming, particularly something known as the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP). If you think it sounds like a magic phrase that opens the gates to better code, you are right! LSP is one of the key elements of SOLID – a set of principles that help write clean, maintainable, and flexible code.

So, what exactly is LSP? Let me explain it with a little analogy. Imagine we have parents in our class – for example, the Vehicle Class. Now, if we have students who are derivatives of this class, like the Car Class and Bicycle Class, the Liskov Substitution Principle states that we should be able to use the Car Class anywhere we use the Vehicle Class, without expecting it to do something it shouldn’t, nor undermining the idea of the Vehicle class itself.

In the context of PHP, if you create a base class, it should be constructed in such a way that classes extending it can be used in its place without altering the desired functionality. For example:

LSP is incredibly helpful in maintaining consistency of behavior in the inheritance hierarchy. By applying it, you can rest assured that everything works as it should. One result of applying LSP is that your code will be more flexible and easier to understand for other programmers, as well as for you when you revisit your own projects after some time.

But that's not all! When implementing LSP, you need to remember its main tenet. Derived classes cannot "break" the behavior of base classes. A school example might be helpful to better understand this principle. For instance:

Like in any field, in programming we also need principles to base our work on, and the Liskov Substitution Principle is one of those that will ensure your classes work together in harmony. When we look at object-oriented design from the perspective of LSP, we can ensure that our classes operate like perfectly oiled machines that don’t require constant debugging every moment. I say this loud and clear!.

Interface Segregation Principle, also known as Interface Segregation Principle (ISP), is like a well-tailored suit that fits perfectly within your object-oriented programming wardrobe in PHP. As soon as you decide to wear it, you will impress not just yourself but others as well. To put it more pictorially, this principle emphasizes the need to create narrow interfaces that are tailored to the specific needs of users. There is nothing worse than forcing your developers to work with a heavy set of functions that, at best, are unused, and at worst – actually hindering. So why wear something uncomfortable when you can be dressed comfortably in the right way?

The fundamental assumption of the interface segregation principle is that clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces that are not relevant to them. Instead, they should be able to use only the methods they actually need. Imagine a construction company. If you hire an architect, they won’t need tools typical of a plumber, right? Therefore, it is better to create specific, specialized interfaces that are perfectly suited to the given roles and functions.


In practice, this means you should create segregated interfaces, which are like drums in a musical production – each should play its role but work together in harmonious symphony. Think of an example. Consider the Animal interface. You could have dependent interfaces like:

instead of one general interface that forces every animal to implement every method. In the context of PHP, it could look like this:

// interface for running animals
interface Runnable {
    public function run();

// interface for flying animals
interface Flyable {
    public function fly();

// interface for swimming animals
interface Swimmable {
    public function swim();

// Example of a class that implements only what it needs
class Dog implements Runnable {
    public function run() {
        echo "The dog is running.";

class Bird implements Flyable {
    public function fly() {
        echo "The bird is flying.";

As you can see, the Dog and Bird classes implement only the methods they need. By following this principle, the code becomes not only more modular but also readable and easier to maintain. When new requirements emerge, you can easily make changes, without risking breaking something. This principle is nothing less than a fight for your freedom – the freedom to work without unnecessary ballast.

In summary, implementing the interface segregation principle is the best practice that turns the joy of programming into something even greater: durable, understandable, and maintainable systems that can adapt to changing business requirements. And who wouldn’t want to work in a revolutionized, modern PHP coding methodology, right?

Dependency Injection Principle in PHP

Welcome to the land of code, where principles are like signposts and we all try to find our path to excellence in object-oriented programming. Today, we will focus on the Dependency Injection Principle (DIP for short), which is one of the pillars of flexible and testable code in PHP. What exactly is this principle? It's like having a set of keys to a magical vault where you store all your coding secrets!

Dependency injection shifts the focus from the objects that create other objects to the use of interfaces and dependencies as parameters. Instead of deciding how a specific object will be created, you delegate the responsibility for that process externally. Sounds like abstract theory? Maybe, but let’s take a closer look because it might open up doors to better code organization for you.

Think for a moment: imagine you are creating an application where you need to frequently change various components. Imagine the chaos if every change required transforming the application’s logic itself. Dependency injection allows us to minimize such problems, making classes less dependent on a specific implementation. Wonderful, right?

By implementing the DIP principle, we rely on constructors that accept declared interfaces instead of creating instances inside the classes. In this way, instead of reaching for a "hard" dependency, we pass objects as parameters. For example:

// Dependency Injection example with a User class
interface UserRepository {
    public function findUser($id);

class DatabaseUserRepository implements UserRepository {
    public function findUser($id) {
        // Logic to find user in the database

class User {
    private $userRepository;

    // Constructor injection of the UserRepository dependency
    public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository) {
        $this->userRepository = $userRepository;

    public function getUser($id) {
        return $this->userRepository->findUser($id);

As you can see, the User class is no longer dependent on a specific implementation of the database. This allows us to make future changes without breaking our code. You could transform the DatabaseUserRepository, for example into ApiUserRepository, which connects to an external API, while the user classes remain untouched. That’s the magic of dependency injection!

Remember, dependency injection can be implemented in various ways:

But why have so many developers fallen in love with constructors? Because they are simple and provide better code readability!

So, the next time you step into the garden greenhouse full of your application’s components, remember that dependency injection will help you care for each one with the right diligence and skill in selection. After all, attention to detail is fundamental, especially in object-oriented programming. And now, having understood the DIP principle, let’s open the door to the next stage where we will delve into a far journey of skills and practices in object-oriented programming.

Returning to our journey into the world of object-oriented programming, it is worth stopping at a section full of design patterns. It's like cooking – not every recipe is perfect for every dish, but knowing what and how to treat can lead us to delicious results.
Design patterns in PHP are like foundations of a house of cards; they are not visible from the outside, but without them, nothing will be stable. Why do they become an indispensable element for every programmer? Let's take a look at the most popular ones to understand how they can enhance our daily work.

Singleton Pattern

The first pattern worth mentioning is the Singleton. This pattern allows for creating only one instance of a particular class. Imagine you are managing a large system, and your application needs to communicate with a database. Thanks to the Singleton, you can be sure that only one instance of the database connection will be used throughout the application, which not only saves resources but also ensures consistency.
If you want to implement this pattern, your code might look something like this:

// Singleton pattern implementation
class Database {
    private static $instance = null;

    private function __construct() {
        // Private constructor to prevent direct instantiation

    public static function getInstance() {
        if (self::$instance == null) {
            self::$instance = new Database();
        return self::$instance;

    public function connect(){
        // Database connection logic
        return "Connected to the database!";

In the example above, we have a class Database, which allows for the creation of one instance of the connection. Simple, right? Even in the world of object-oriented programming, less means more.
Okay, but what about Factory? That’s another pattern that deserves attention.

Factory Pattern

The Factory pattern is a sort of object creator responsible for creating instances of various classes. When dealing with situations where class instances may behave differently, this pattern allows us to dynamize object creation based on the provided data. It's like unpacking a surprise – you never really know what you're going to get, but you know it's going to be something special.
Let's look at a sample implementation:

// Factory pattern implementation
abstract class Product {
    abstract public function getName();

class ConcreteProductA extends Product {
    public function getName() {
        return "Product A";

class ConcreteProductB extends Product {
    public function getName() {
        return "Product B";

class ProductFactory {
    public static function create($type) {
        switch($type) {
            case 'A':
                return new ConcreteProductA();
            case 'B':
                return new ConcreteProductB();
                throw new Exception("Invalid product type.");

// Usage
$productA = ProductFactory::create('A');
echo $productA->getName(); // Outputs "Product A"

As you can see, using the Factory pattern, we can easily create different types of products without worrying about their implementation details.
This allows us to increase flexibility and consistency in the code, which is crucial in larger projects. It is also important to remember that using design patterns is not just a matter of style – it is also a practice that can contribute to overall performance and ease of maintenance of our code in the future.

As we delve deeper into the world of design patterns, we notice that they are not just dull rules. They are the pillars that make our daily tasks simpler. We have a whole range of patterns to explore, each with its unique features and applications. Okay, it's time for more discoveries that will take you deeper into this fascinating topic!

When we talk about best practices in object-oriented programming in PHP, it is impossible to overlook the importance of testing. Why is this so essential? Imagine you are building a house on the beach. You want it to be strong, resilient to hurricanes, and to delight your eyes with a beautiful view. But what happens if you do not check the foundations? Testing is what allows you to eliminate potential flaws before the constructed object even starts functioning in the code. In object-oriented programming, unit tests are a crucial part of this process.

Unit testing in PHP can be your best friend, especially when you are using the latest versions of PHP, which offer rich capabilities for creating classes and objects. It serves to verify small "units" of code, that is, in this context - class methods. Just as a mechanic checks the condition of the engine before a long trip, you should sit down to test the logic of each method. This enables the detection and elimination of errors at an early stage, greatly simplifying the later stages of programming.

What tools are worth utilizing in this endeavor? Certainly, PHPUnit deserves attention as it is the de facto standard in unit testing for PHP. Why should you invest time in getting to know this tool? Just take a look at its functionalities. Whether you are creating a simple class or a more complex application, PHPUnit provides all the necessary methods for writing tests and allows integration with CI/CD.

It is also worth mentioning Mockery - a tool that facilitates the creation of mock objects, meaning "fake" counterparts of objects. With it, you can simulate the behavior of complex objects, thus testing your components in an isolated environment. It's a bit like putting on special glasses that help you see things from a different perspective. Isn't that brilliant? You set up simulations to see how your code will react in different situations.

Let us all call to arms, for the invitation to unit tests is not just a good practice, but a duty! Remember to run your tests regularly, both during the programming phase and before every new version of the application.

Ultimately, object-oriented programming in PHP is more than just people writing code. It's a journey, where the gear of our coding adventures consists of good practices, and unit testing becomes an indispensable element, opening many doors for us. Examples of effective, well-organized, and thoughtfully designed code are like lighthouses that help find the right path in this turbulent ocean of programming.

It is important to remember that every line of code you create should adhere to general design and testing principles. This is not just a good practice; it is a way of life in a programming world that does not stray. Invest your energy in testing, and the time spent verifying your code will surely pay off in the form of stable and error-free applications. So, let’s conclude these reflections with the feeling that we are on the right path to mastery in object-oriented programming in PHP!

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